National Conference for School and College Chaplains - Online

A time and space for reflection and growth

09 - 10 June 2021

Rev’d Canon Brendan Clover

Senior Provost

Woodard Schools

The Rev’d Canon Brendan Clover was, until very recently, Senior Provost of Woodard Schools and he was a founding member of this Conference in 2011.  Brendan has a passion for Christian education and for the role of the church in the formation of young people, the citizens of tomorrow.

Fourteen years’ service in Woodard was preceded by seven years as Canon Precentor of Bristol Cathedral where Brendan reinvigorated the Cathedral’s liturgy and worked on music outreach projects.

Five years as a parish priest in London followed seven years at Emmanuel College Cambridge where Brendan was Chaplain and Dean.

Education has featured throughout his ministerial life and he believes that Chaplains are pioneer ministers and missioners with a role and ministry vital to the future of the church in this land, and every land.